
The High-Tech domain is constantly evolving.

Woman Smiling


In order to meet the demands for social, mobile, and consumerization in today's marketplace, High-Tech companies are facing pressures to decrease their product cycle times, increase innovation, and re-align capital. These trends require organizations to look strategically to workforce solutions that access, retain, and optimize their talent in focus areas such as:

Focus Areas

  • Digital Intelligence
  • Manufacturing Technology
  • High Tech Equipment
  • Software / Hardware Development
  • Niche Technologies
  • Professional Services

High-Tech operations will need even more specialized skill sets. So to ensure your supply of talent in the face of a growing skills gap - a partner for workforce solutions is more vital now than ever.

To speak with a Talent Supply Chain Management consultant about how PERSOLKELLY High Technical Resources can help resolve the unique workforce demands in your sector, please contact us today.

Linda Oh

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